Sunday, July 15, 2012

Woman Laments Men Going Their Own Way On T.V.

   I enjoyed Barbarossaaaa's take on it. To me he clarifies some of the difference in MRA and MGTOW thinking. He takes a clear MGTOW standpoint. The conservative effort to belittle men for not "manning up" to solve what women have destroyed is insulting. They are trying to shame men out of the path to our own solution. He makes the argument that men as a class can not contend with the female political class nor the State. The two operate in synergy and serve to compound the ends to which the MRA believes can be contended with and resolved. MGTOW advocates for the independence and liberation of men. Male independence and liberation may not be what women want...(as evidenced by the myriad of "man up" "child man" type articles in mainstream news outlets) but it is certainly what they asked for.

What men are increasingly realizing and what the articles suggest to me is that men realize that there is nothing offered us worthy to "man up" to in relation to the traditional construct and as such the only person we owe anything to is ourselves. MGTOW takes the view that the family and men's place within it has been destroyed both structurally in the requisites designed to invoke the creation of it but also within it. MGTOW is male sovereignty. As he stated, many men are not even aware of the MRA or MGTOW but they are making decisions in their lives related to male liberation philosophy. As he said, the male withdraw is organic and for many, though they may not be aware of the source of the problem, nor attempt to understand and resolve the issues facing us as the MRA and even MGTOW attempt to are voting with their feet.    


  1. MGTOW is the inevitable conclusion of all of the laws designed to punish, and hold men back - while skewing society to show a Gerry-mandered result. Of course, the result of all of that is men see the deck stacked against them, and ask, "Why try? Since you will take it from me anyway." Of course, for all of the whining of women, they want what they have always wanted, a man to take care of them. Of course that is a pipe-dream for many of the younger women who see what was "normal" in the 1950's as an ideal life.

    As an older man, I have been ahead of the curve so actually have used things to my advantage - gaming the system not only to make money, but also to enjoy all of the sweet young things in need of a strong male figure. It has worked for me, but I am ahead of the rot which is pervasive in the system. Many of the things I used to get ahead are now illegal - fortunately, I have lawyers who find new ways to game the system for me.

    Eventually, I - like a lot of other smart people - will leave the US permanently. I have already arranged it so that more and more of my money is overseas so money flows out of the US legitimately, but nothing flows in, since it was "earned" overseas and stays there. The US is dying, as is the dream of Capitalism. I will probably be the last generation to enjoy life. I see so many younger men giving up - I can't help them. I can ensure that I enjoy all of those young women who are looking, to get what I need from them. That is all that I can do.

    The US is on its way to becoming a Third-world nation - fortunately, I will be off-shore by then. I give it another 10 years - 15 at the most... I see no way to prevent it - too many liberals who do not understand business, sucking money out of the carcass...

    Right now I'm betting on Argentina being the place to be. I may be wrong - I thought Brazil was going to succeed, but it lost its way too... Oh well, I can't stop the decline - but I can, and will, take advantage of the downward slide...

  2. What makes you think feminists want women to be placed above men in society? The modern feminist movement claims it is trying to put the sexes on equal footing rather than making the government a matriarchy; why accuse them of lying?

  3. People should not think about othert people. They need try to make their life better than other have.

  4. honestly feminism want women to have more choices and power over men. but the reality today's liberated women (fools ) have only one choice work because most men like me refusing to marry them . so honestly feminism will backfir eon women themselves. so the real female opression coming and it is promoted by women themselves .

  5. Wow! You really need to get laid. All that animosity toward women. No wonder you can't find a woman. Maybe you should come out of the closet. Hey! Tom Cruise is now single and is looking for a few good men. Maybe you and old Tom can find true love at last when you both realize your true nature. Tom Cruise or John Travolta? Take your pick.

    1. Nice bull shit shaming language I get laid when I want. I do pay for it but at least it is honest and can't get anything out of me afterwords. I run the same risk picking up a bar slut except a rape charge because she is drunk

  6. The shaming language in the comment section has got old and hence very boring. They are the same old feminista bullshit recycled over and over again. Those of us who visit this blog and are reading the cliche'd shaming language are not impressed!!! Yawn...

  7. I'd like to point out first that women are paid less in most cases than men are typically fired or laid off first.
    That being said, as a chick, I don't want a guy who is just looking out for himself, though I'm certain that comment will blow up in my face. You give and you get, yeah? I don't approve of girls looking for sugar daddies, and the 1950s life horrifies me.
    I know I'm not alone in this. I know there are a lot more girls like me than there are those looking for a guy to take care of her, but a few bad apples spoils the bunch. Many good groups get a bad reps because of the loud and ignorant few, it seems genders included.
    People of either gender aren't as bad as you think. Just go to a place different than you normally do. Instead of the clubs, go for a hike or something. Go to a bookstore or cafe. Different types of people congregate to different areas. Don't complain how every girl or guys is always the same if you never go anyplace different.

  8. A wonderful post, thank you. I also liked the fact that you had one of Barb's videos. He is a good voice for the MGTOW movement, and brings up many great points that he discusses quite eloquently. I don't agree with all he says, but as a female MRA, I certainly appreciate his views.

    I actually support the MGTOW wholeheartedly. If anyone (man or woman) has simply decided "No, I will not play this game. This is not the role that I want for myself"...well, I think that is fine. I mean, I follow that way of thinking myself!

    For example; I am a 26yr old woman who has put herself through college. I have been an ovo-lacto vegetarian for the last 13yrs, I go walking for 2 hours every week to stay fit, and I don't drink or smoke. I have a spectacular "friends with benefits" relationship with a great man, and all my other friends are men as well.

    I have worked since I was 16, and now have a 55 hour a week job that I enjoy very much. I own my car, have a nice apartment, and pay all my own bills/ a bit on the side so I can buy my videogames/miniatures, or take my friends out for dinner.

    Could I have an easier life if I simply went for a serious relationship with a man (and presumably his wallet)? Yes, probably. But I was raised to be responsible and self reliant...not a princess or a materialistic parasite. I enjoy my independence (or as much as any of us can have in a society), prefer my privacy, and like to live alone. I love and need sex too...but not enough to either give up my freedom or take a man's liberty.

    I truly believe that if more people accepted that married life is not for everyone, and that some people (again, both men and women) want to live life for their own selves...we would be much healthier as a society. To try to fit everyone into the same mold is folly, especially since those of us who are "going our own way" have already broken it years ago!

  9. this woman talks about older men playing x box's in basements....

    As men,we have seen most of our friends divorced by woman,bankrupted,kids kept from unjust obviously lopsided criminal and divorce courts...

    Divorced men dont have x box's,but the older men who are choosing not to marry or have children for the obvious financial and emotional risks....actullay do have some money and video game systems.....and these men are choosing to hold onto their assets....because in the current system of laws,criminal and divorce laws as well as child support,alimony,divorce settlements etc....

    It makes no sense to procreate with an american woman....even though I would like a little family myself...but over half of all marriages end in divorce with woman initiating atleast 70 percent of those divorces.....

    All woman can do at this point is try to shame men into relationships by telling us how scared we are of them,and try to shame us into taking care of the financial burden of the hoards of single mothers by calling us punks for not doing so....most single mothers are broke,their kids dont respect you,babies momma drama etc....

    No thanks....I am a punk,a sissy and scared of relationships and for good reason thank you very much.....I enjoy being in my motheres basement playing video games....and who's to say our own mothers and sisters arent telling us to stay away from american woman!!!

    Its like if woman cared about marriage,the family and being single....they themselves would protest against lopsided criminal and divorce courts themselves...which isnt going to happen because most americans have taken the social marxists hate towards men,and actually believe there is a war against woman,when there is obviously a war against children,men and the family unit itself.......possibly the greatest victim of the whole mess of stealing mens wealth through the lopsided divorce the woman herself....

    The bait?Lopsided divorce laws,alimony,child support etc...that make it way to easy to steal mens wealth....

    No country that coveted marriage would have no fault divorce has destroyed marriage....

    Throw in the fact that men feel there are few good woman left...and so hard to find one....with the chances of emotional and financial destruction that goes along with games in a dark basement look reaaaal good about now! lolol

  10. To poster; November 26, 2012 6:22 PM

    Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!

    I have said pretty much all the things I have been observing and articulated my views regarding marriage in America, and the Western world, for that matter, so well.

    This civilization is dead.

  11. Holy jumping jackflash! I really wanted to find a flaw in your reasoning. I really really wanted to be able to deconstruct your argument but I cant. I feel like someone who has had the curtain of reality pulled away to reveal the actual reality behind. I am left stunned.

  12. Hey Justin Hall, I've just noticed it too and everywhere I look I see this influence of women on everything in the western society, from the silent husbands where the wife is always right, to having half your pay check or more taken from you to pay for child support where the mother buys things for herself intead of the child,

    the emperor wheres no clothes now, thanks to the internet

  13. I was lucky enough to find a few great women along the way. All of them were very interested on making me their husband. knowing all the risks associated with even living with a woman, has prevented me from going past the dating stage.

    After I went through Barbarossa's and Stardusk's stuff on hypergamy, everything clicked into place. The single most frightening thing for me is in this simple statement.

    Women don't love you. They are only interested in your resources.

    At first I absolutely refused to believe it. But it is undeniable.


  15. When i got dumped because my love of my live GF wanted to "find herself" .. which basically meant screw around without having to hide it... (luckily no kids involved)

    I was hurt. And i did everything to be a "good man"
    I was an deeply in love, an incredible stupid and blind idiot.

    Looking back:

    BEST DAY in my WHOLE life.
    I repeat.

    Yes.. i have an X-Box and a PS4 and some Retro-Stuff ... and 3 cars, a huge mansion with great park-like garden (chinese saying: to be happy for the rest of your life .. get a garden) and all the toys a man could wish for .. from guns to RC-helicopters, no debt, well off .. i am lucky as any human being can be.

    The only woman entering my home is washing my clothes and cleaning .. and she is the best housewife a man could wish for .. only way cheaper and if she messes up i will simply fire her on the spot and i do not have to deal with her drama.

    I am still friendly and professional when dealing with women.

    Actually, being well of, feeling great and having acquired some social status over the years attracts them like flies.

    I am honest with them: Sorry, we do not have any business deals so you do not need my phone number or e-mail, no dating, no relationships and i do not want to be "friends" with you.

  16. i feel so horribly bad. So many wonderful men so out of reach. All that lovely material success wasted on themselves. As a scheming mercenary woman, the very thought of MGTOW leaves me shaking with regret. Oh! If only we would have refused to vote! If only we had stayed in our proper places! How wonderful life was then, for men and children. We could devote our lives completly to their every desire. Live out our childish lives in endless servitude, the only known path to happiness for one half of the human race. Bravo, brave man with material goods and servants. You have made me realize and despair over my very similar life. Except, of course, i have children and grand children to go with the estate and toys. No husband, and for this i know failure. Hero MGTOW's, be proud of your superior insight. And please, for the sake of all women, continue to walk your walk. Just keep going.

    1. Much as we all have baggage, I'm patently unable to believe that such a comment can come from anything other than a place of masked pain and bitterness. Unfortunately, that is all I see everywhere I look nowadays; a broken, hurting world. Insofar as the primal unconscious motivators on both extremes of the gender spectrum remain diametrically opposed, so too will the ensuing conflict and strife be inevitable. It is an irreconcilable tilting scale. What men see as liberation, women see as oppression. What women see as liberation, men see as oppression. The most successful society in the long term is that which can reconcile these opposing forces with minimal conflict. For as long as women continue to lie to and manipulate men, taking advantage of their financial and emotional investment and proceeding to shame and castigate them for the very same base instincts that women seek to unleash in themselves, so too will men withhold their affections and investments, remorselessly seducing and treating women as little more than sex objects to their mutual pleasure, but, ultimately, resigned melancholy. Is this really the Utopia we were searching for? Constantly in pursuit of our individual happiness, to the exclusion of the other. In the age of individual empowerment we have lost the spirit of compromise and community, and in so doing we will bring eventually ruin upon ourselves or forever change the way society operates at a fundamental level. What a callow, unfeeling world we live in... we have lost the spirit of agape. I empathise with both your pain and that of your husband, but my strongest feelings are with the children, for I pity the land they will inherit.

  17. What exactly does a woman add to a man's life? What can you get from a woman that you can't get on your own? (Besides vagina) A woman's " gender role " has always been to: cook, clean, provide pleasure a.k.a. sex, and have children......What's so dumb about this is that a man can cook and clean by himself, which pretty much means that unless a man wants children, he doesn't need a female. A man can choose to adopt if he really wants children (if he doesn't mind that they aren't from his own testicles). As for sex, a man can get that without being tied down to 1 female and it's for the most part drama free.

  18. The knee-jerk reaction is to say: no man in his right mind would choose to do without sex with women. But really when I think about the nagging feeling I've had with women that I have to be constantly attentive to women's rules and needs and moods etc. -- in short: it has always felt like "WORK"... back breaking work. Contrast that with the utter fulfilling perfection of self-gratification -- well the MGTOW thing makes more and more sense. This negates the term "incel". I'm single. And much much much happier than I was with female partners.

  19. When I look at MGTOW, all I see are men who want to do their own thing, live by their rules. What is wrong with that? I encourage everyone, male and female, to live this way.

  20. Don't want or need a man to look after me thanks very much. I'm quite happy on my own. Everywhere I look there's another male 'expert' telling me what I supposedly want or what type of character traits I have because I'm a woman and apparently all women want the exact same things and we all act exactly the same way. No individuality or uniqueness allowed if you're female! We're all put on the earth to make men's lives a misery apparently. I'm so sick of hearing this type of rhetoric. Men, by all means, please go your own way so I can go my own way and live in peace, free from your whinging and whining about how bad it is for a man to be 'chained' to a woman blah blah whatever. See yas! :)

  21. I just felt like leaving my mark on this page...

    I go by the name of Cody. Currently, I'm 20 years old, a sophomore in college, and a Conservative who happens to like MGTOW (much to the contrary belief of the author of the article). I found out about MGTOW only two or three years ago on YouTube (which I believe it was the channel the author is writing of) and liked his insight. I started listening to more MGTOW YouTubers and comparing their observations to what I observe from every female I've come across. I have to say that they're completely correct!

    I've watched many of my friends go through relationships with women, and I saw how these girls would take up their free time, cause stress to my friends, and cost them quite a bit from their wallet. I watched these guys go through the hell of these break-ups again and again, many times them realizing these girls manipulated them to get what they wanted and toss them away, and in some cases, finding out their girl cheated on them because she became bored. I never wanted to go through that because I knew that could absolutely destroy me.

    I also listened to my dad's stories of his first wife, the psychotic and delusional psycho bitch he married, and the things he went through before, during and after his divorce. I have also heard stories of men divorcing and the hell they go through and how their lives are ruined because she got bored or found another guy and cheated on him and was the one who filed for divorce, and forcing him to pay alimony and child support. I don't ever wanna go through that, too.

    MGTOW has shown me the truth about the female gender and how a man just cannot trust a woman anymore. Ever since joining MGTOW, I can't ever view women the same way again or trust them, and I have good reasons for that. I hope more and more men join MGTOW and cause a huge social change in western culture and ultimately change the legal system. We as men are all in this together no matter who we are!

    My folks keep wondering when I'm gonna bring a girlfriend home or when I'm ever gonna have a relationship. They don't seem to understand that I'm a MGTOW and refuse to accept it. Oh well, they can wear the blinders while I have my eyes opened to the truth!

  22. I'd like to see a book review of the 1894 book called Revolted Woman done from a MGTOW perspective. It was written by Charles George Harper. Its one of those books where its so old you can have a avenue to seriously discuss how feminism has changed our society for the better and for the worse over time all while having both modern and historical observations regarding masculine values included as well. If anyone decides to take my idea please don't do a half-baked, weakly written job on it.

  23. Great article! It's a constant source of amazement to me that these modern women have made so many beds and yet refuse to lie in a single one.

    Such women are quick to throw out the feminist charges (Code Purple and Code Lavender) at men for not "manning up" to be with them far past their prime, post-wall.

    What they refuse to realize is that it's not that MGTOW can't get laid (or are homosexual) - it's that we choose not to... much like MGHOW Nikola Tesla.

    Meekness isn't weakness; it's strength restrained. And if these modern women want to see our strength unleashed for their benefits, they'd better learn how to be Ladies... quick, fast, and in a hurry.

  24. It's a sad thing but it's true, many women these days are not good for marriage, and if it's not that it's the legal system that makes it hard for the man to recover a divorce. Heck even other Christian men are going their own way, not all obviously but a number are, so this is really saying something. Of course, our society will just say Miggies are immature etc, but they are no more than feministss who said "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bycycle", or the fact they tend to get away with bratty and crabby behavior, not to mention the other double standards. They just get away with it since they're women and society needs women to survive, while men are somewhat more expendable. It's all about that vagina. This isn't to say all women are bad, there indeed are good ones and I know some, but with so many bad women out there, it's no surprise MGTOW is rising.

  25. Yeesh, my grammar looks bad.

  26. One poster said 'society needs women to survive'.

    Well, I suspect that may not be true for much longer. Consider all the resources quietly being poured into cloning and artificial wombs.

    Within 20 years, women will be redundant.

  27. With so many very extremely dangerous mentally disturbed women that are everywhere these days, the real safe way to go for many of us single men would be MGTOW.

  28. It just occur to me that I have not done the right thing since when my husband came back to me, I am on this blog to give thanks to whom it deserve, Some couples of weeks ago my life was in a terrible shape because my husband left me and I never believe that I was going to get him back, But through the help of this powerful spell caster called Dr.Ekpen my life is now in a joyful mood, I must recommend the services of Dr.Ekpen to anyone out there that they should contact Dr.Ekpen through these details below: ( ) or whatsapp +2347050270218 because through Dr.Ekpen assistance my marriage was restored.

  29. Most women today unfortunately are just down right very horrible with no manners and personality at all which makes them such very pathetic low life losers to begin with. God forbid for many of us good single men trying too meet women now has certainly become so very extremely dangerous for us since most of the time we will get Cursed out by these women for just saying good morning or hello to them. Most women today have a lot of very severe mental problems which i can see that it has a lot to do with it, especially that a great deal of women today are really Bi Polar as well which will make it even much more dangerous for many of us men trying too really meet a good woman today that really just Don't exist at all anymore. I been cursed out by women and so have a few friends that i know for No Reason at all since it really has become very dangerous for many of us men trying to find love since i did mentioned this already. In the old days which Most women weren't like this at all since they really were Real Ladies and very old fashioned which made love very easy to find back then, and Most of the Ladies were the very complete opposite of today as well. Now i can certainly see why our family members were very blessed and lucky in those days when they found real love with one another with No Trouble at all either. MGTOW is the real safe way now for many of us good innocent single men.

  30. Feminism is much worse than cancer now which is caused by these very pathetic women today that are just real men haters to begin with, and this is the very excellent reason why so many of us men are still single today thanks to these very horrible women that are really to blame.

  31. Hello my name is Belinda i want to share my amazing experience with the greatest spell caster Dr irekenagba. my husband was cheating on me and when i found out we had a fight which lead to him filling for a divorce i cried and fell sick when i was searching about love quotes online i saw people talking about him and his great work whose case was similar to mine they left his contact info i contacted him and he told me not to worry that after 24hrs he will cancel the divorce and be back to me after i did everything he asked me to do to my greatest surprise the next day evening it was my husband he knelt down begging me to accept him back,thank you once again Dr irekenagba you are indeed a blessing to me he can also help you contact him on........
    WhatsApp: +2347059630655

  32. Life is so good now. After my wife decided to keep my children from seeing me and she monkey branched to a big loser, I took her to court and got it done. I can't believe how much I was conditioned to be the perfect man so that other people can benefit from me. Now I am the perfect man, perfect father, carreer is taking off, having fun with friends.. MGTOW for ever!!

  33. TRUTH BE TOLD!!! There are no perfect relationships. If you truly care and love your partner, don't fight him or her.. instead, fight to keep him/her. This was exactly what I did and with the help of Dr Akhigbe my ex returned back to me and I believe there a lot of people going through heartbreak, Dr Akhigbe can also help you. Email you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2349021374574
